Sunday, March 14, 2010

"No Naked!" on channel frederator!

the good people over at channel frederator are featuring "No Naked!" on their online program, cartoon hangover! i have been holding off on putting "no naked" online to give it a good chance to run in the festivals that don't allow films to be posted online, but it's been a year since i finished it up and it's hit a few of the bigger festivals so i think that's good enough. i'll probably still submit to those festivals that don't have this requirement, there are quite a few. so i guess this is the online premiere of "no naked"! and guess what! there is also an interview with me at the end :D cartoon hangover is generally an 18+ show but my film and the interview are straddling that PG line so it should be safe for most kids to watch.

p.s. that isn't me in the video thumbnail.

p.p.s. get ready for unnecessary bleeping!

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